Declaration relating to accessibility
SOFICO undertakes to make this website accessible, in accordance with the Decree of 2 May 2019 relating to the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of the public sector organisations.
This declaration relating to accessibility applies to
Compliance status
This website is in partial compliance as described below, due to the non-conformities and exemptions listed below.
Non-accessible content
The content referred to below is not accessible for the following reason(s):
Construction sites map: mainly uses javascript with cursor or touch-sensitive interactions. All the information available on the construction sites map has alternative text in the “List of construction sites” part.
Preparation of this declaration relating to accessibility
This declaration was prepared on 15/10/2019.
The last review of the declaration was made on 15/10/2019.
Feedback and contact information
By email to
Procedure for ensuring compliance with the provisions
SOFICO undertakes to make its website accessible according to the AA standard, in accordance with the Decrees of 2 May 2019 of the Walloon Parliament relating to the accessibility of websites and mobile applications of the public service organisations.